Significant savings thanks to optimized energy storage systemsLet’s Talk Science informs about new software for factories

The energy consumption of a factory is generally much higher than necessary. A new software program being developed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (IWU) in Chemnitz aims to change that. It will take into account all energy-saving technologies in the company and optimize their interaction. It will significantly reduce energy costs.

Up to now, the energy supply of a factory has usually been determined using spreadsheets, which are rounded off generously to avoid bottlenecks in case of doubt. In addition, numerous electric drives within the production line are repeatedly accelerated or braked in the course of the production process. This not only leads to network fluctuations with considerable power peaks. In the long run, it also damages the electrical equipment.

Marian Süße from the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology, Chemnitz, will present the ESIP (Energy Storage in Production) project for Let’s Talk Science. He will explain for which machines and systems the software will be applicable from 2025 and summarize its functions. For example, it will be possible to include hybrid storage systems and locally generated renewable energy in the optimization of energy management.
What average costs will be saved thanks to the ESIP software? What is the stage of development?
Find out how you can save energy in a simple but comprehensive way. Register now for

Let’s Talk Science, August 30, 2023, 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m;
Lecture plus Q&A in English

with Marian Süße
, Head of the Factory System Design and Product Planning Department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (IWU), Chemnitz.

New software significantly optimizes energy management in factories


Figure 1: The efficient design and operational management of storage systems is gaining in importance. Source: Fraunhofer IWU

Figure 2: Marian Süße, Head of the Factory System Design and Production Planning Department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (IWU), Chemnitz, Source: Fraunhofer IWU.

Previous webinars

26.07.2023    On the way to climate-neutral production

28.06.2023    Save money with virtual commissioning

26.04.2023    Hybrid manufacturing takes up to 50% less time and uses 80% less material

29.03.2023    In the future, manufacturing will no longer be planned by humans

22.02.2023    Innovative machining method significantly reduces production costs

25.01.2023    Wireless production based on 5G mobile communications standard

30.11.2022    Classic sheet metal forming becoming more economical and ecological  

26.10.2022    Rethinking products – with 3-dimensional electronics

28.09.2022    Guide: Implementing AI models sustainably

31.08.2022    Finally! Making AI widely usable

27.07.2022    Turning SMEs into sovereign data holders

29.06.2022    Matrix production – New possibilities for technological integration

25.05.2022    Open source machine tools: The path to production sovereignty and a circular economy

All presentations are available online at

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